Press for Dead Not Done
"“[Instrumental] touches are all over the record, morphing and modifying songs that, in their most naked form, could pass as Appalachian folk traditionals. On “Aquarium,” horns and woodwinds adorn her in a sort of post-rock update of a 1940s big-band arrangements. The album’s most electronic number, “Farmer” builds from a tape loop to a cacophony of buzzing guitars, pummeled drums and Auto-Tuned pleas, while “Your Mother” finishes with a woozy men’s choir. […]
Yet even with all those accents and additions, the album is never busy or cluttered. At its core it is what Allschwang set out for it to be, a faithful representation of her songs that mostly puts her voice and her guitar front and center.” - Evan Rytlewski, "Marielle Allschwang Keeps An Open Mind on "Dead Not Done'": Shepherd Express
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